HHF Silverware Trophy Winner - 1900-01 Stanley Cup

Stanley Cup

Winnipeg Victorias

Winnipeg Victorias
After two unsuccessful challenges in 1899 and 1900, the Winnipeg Victorias regained what hadn’t been theirs since February of 1896. Late in January of 1901, the Vics traveled to Montreal and challenged their perennial rivals and defending Stanley Cup champion, the Montreal Shamrocks. Winnipeg was led by their captain (and future Hall of Famer), Dan Bain, who surprised the Easterners by wearing a mask throughout the two-game series. Game one was a tight affair, until Burke Wood of the Victorias broke through the defence with a minute remaining to score the game-winning goal for a 4-3 victory. Game two was played much the same way with regulation ending in a tie. Captain Bain, who had scored the regulation goal for Winnipeg, netted the Stanley Cup-winning goal four minutes into overtime. With the trophy now out west, the Canadian Amateur Hockey League season wrapped up too late for their champion, Ottawa, to challenge for Lord Stanley’s Mug.